Tool-less Networking/Ganging Kit - gang two EN enclosures together

Great Lakes G101EN is a Tool-less Networking/Ganging Kit to gang two Great Lakes EN Enclosures together. EN Enclosures are designed so that the front doors open to the left or right. When two enclosures are ganged together, doors can open in opposite directions, creating a large space where cables are easily accessible and able to be routed up, down, or to the next enclosure.

Great Lakes G101EN - Click to enlarge


G101EN Application

Tool-less Ganging Kit - Gang EN Enclosures to an ES Enclosure
Tool-less Ganging Kit - Gang EN Enclosures to an ES Enclosure
Gang EN Enclosures to an ES Enclosure

Great Lakes Networking/Ganging Kit
Great Lakes Networking/Ganging Kit

Tool-less Ganging Kit for ES Enclosures
Tool-less Ganging Kit for ES Enclosures
Gang two Great Lakes ES Enclosures together.