Eaton PDUs


Power distribution is facilitated through different pieces of equipment that take the power conditioned by your uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and send it to your IT equipment. Power distribution solutions can manage and even control energy consumption in smaller environments as well as large data center applications. Distributing power efficiently results in reduced operating costs and increased reliability.

Whether you need integrated power distribution within a few racks or power throughout your data center, there are many solutions to consider when building out your power infrastructure. Understanding your environment and power needs allows you to begin right-sizing your distribution equipment.

Eaton Basic PDUs (BA)
Eaton Basic PDUs (BA)
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Basic power strips, rackmount and vertical design, power levels from 1.44 to 4.99kW
Eaton Monitored PDUs (MI, AM)
Eaton Monitored PDUs (MI, AM)
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Monitored power strips, Metered PDUs, amperage monitoring, LED display power usage
Eaton Switched / Outlet-Level PDUs (SW, MA)
Eaton Switched / Outlet-Level PDUs (SW, MA)
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Switched power strips, Switched + Metered PDUs, individually control outlets, local current meter, voltage & current monitoring
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Accessories for Eaton Rack PDUs
Accessories for Eaton Rack PDUs
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Environmental sensors, mounting brackets, outlet caps, jumper cables, splitter cables, etc.
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Rugged Construction
Horizontal PDUs  
Vertical PDUs
LCD Current Display 
Current Monitoring Type SectionOutletSectionOutlet
Voltage Monitoring   
Outlet Switching   
Serial Interface   
Ethernet Interface 
Environmental Sensors *

*Available on some models