InfraPower MD Series Metered PDUs

The InfraPower MD PDU series allows for true RMS (root mean square) current monitoring via a local digital RMS ammeter. The blue LED display is easy-to-read from a distance and allows rapid access to the aggregate load on the circuit. It easily prevents circuit overloads during equipment installation and allows users to assess capacity needs based on actual real time current monitoring.


InfraPower MD Series 120V Metered PDUs
InfraPower MD Series 120V Metered PDUs
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120V Metered PDU w/ True RMS current local monitoring via a digital RMS ammeter.
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InfraPower MD Series 208V Metered PDUs
InfraPower MD Series 208V Metered PDUs
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208V Metered PDU w/ True RMS current local monitoring via a digital RMS ammeter.
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InfraPower W Series Monitored PDUs
InfraPower W Series Monitored PDUs
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Industrial-grade power distribution units for data centers and remote sites.
InfraPower WS Series Switched PDUs
InfraPower WS Series Switched PDUs
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Essential remote monitoring and outlet-level control for Mission Critical applications.
InfraPower WSi Series Intelligent PDUs
InfraPower WSi Series Intelligent PDUs
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The most feature rich PDUs providing outlet-level metering and switching for highly advanced rack power management.
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